Arthritis Pain Relief
You ask, "How does a website featuring 3 U.S. patents for tile relief tie in with arthritis"? The answer is, the adhesives I use for my tile relief needed to be tested to the maximum for holding power. I designed the Spa Tub for this purpose with walls full of relief tiles, not knowing that in later years I would need this beautiful tub "room" to rid my body of aches and pains of arthritis. When I read books or got on the internet for advice in treating arthritis, all I could find, was advertisements for medications. I am not a professionally trained dietician nor am I a physician. I am a R.N. who has spent months testing the use of certain combinations of foods at certain times of the day on my own body to free it of the crippling pain of arthritis.
Diet and exercise are invaluable to keeping the body in shape. I found a good form of exercise for me is working with wood, building various items. Carpentry has been one of my most enjoyed hobbies as evidenced in this screened in porch I designed. At the lumber yard, I selected and hauled every piece of wood to the site in my van alone. I selected a man who did not own his own saw to help me build it. I wanted physical help, but no interference with how I wanted to build what I had designed.
Within a few years, I went from this activity to these enablers: knee supports, back supports, pain medications and a cane, as well as a physician who advised me to accept an aging body. I refused to give up and accept life looking for a cart in the shopping mall which would help me get from my car to the things I was shopping for and back to the car, since my body ached so much I couldn't walk without some support. That's not quality of life. I wanted to feel good again so I began a thorough study of certain foods and how they affected my body.
Being a R.N. I know the value of a good blood circulation system providing the body with nutrients it must have to function to optimum performance both mentally and physically. Good body elimination of solids and acids is absolutely essential in feeling good and helping my body to be pain free. Human wastes contain substances which are toxic to the intestinal wall. The typical American diet of refined foods gives the intestines less work to do, so passage of food is much slower, remaining in the intestines longer. There are certain foods to be eaten before any other foods or drinks in the morning to aid in this elimination. There are foods that must be eliminated from the arthritic's diet. When these foods are eliminated and replaced with healthful foods, a natural detoxing begins to take place. I found I began to feel 100% better physically. As a former public health nurse, working for the Division of Health, obesity, cancer, heart problems, diabetes, and other health issues greatly concern me. Poor eating habits seem to go along with some of these health issues. Please click on the product pricing to review information that is in the packet that helped me. But, as a nurse, I recommend you get your physicians approval for any vitamins, foods, exercises I suggest.
I enjoy eating and baking bread. Wheat is the gluten needed for good bread rising, but bad for the arthritic. I have baked with the gluten free flours recommended and the resulting dough could have been used to hang wallcoverings, a sticky mess. With further testing I found a marvelous flour tolerated by the arthritic. In my packet of information on arthritis I will give you the recipes for these breads so you can bake high rising delicious bread from scratch. Bake rye bread without using rye flour, an easy trick I found. What you see here in these photos of breads I will show you how to make, even if you have not been a bread baker without using a bread machine. You are not doomed to accept gluten-free tasteless breads from the supermarket. Easy tricks in baking will put these breads on your table, 3 loaves at a time. This dough can also be made into a delicious pizza — recipe will be included.
With the foods I recommend, you will naturally feel better, have more energy and you will definitely lose weight. You will not be hungry and you will enjoy your meals. After you get the #1 killers out of your diet you will notice a huge difference. I know because these changes in my lifestyle have worked for me and I am enjoying life again and back designing new scenes for the Aesthetic Tub Spa.
This summer we are repairing and scraping, and painting the fish scales on our 1899 building. I am up and down the ladder handing special cuts of wood I make to accomplish the repairs. This is proof I have succeeded in helping my body feel good again with food, exercise, vitamins, and a marvelous therapeutic spa tub.
These patents are available for sale or licensing.